Police say they also pulled a baby from the back of a car.
CANTON A Massillon mother and son are accused of putting a loaded gun used in a crime and several bags of marijuana in a car with a 2-month-old left in their care.
Stark County Jail records show Drake A. Laster, 21, and
Noelle A. Vitale Laster, 49, who live together on Fifth Street SW in Massillon, were arrested just before 10 p.m. Wednesday in the 3000 block of Seventh Street SW in Canton.
Another relative of the Lasters pointed a .40-caliber handgun at a man on Arlington Avenue SW and fired a shot into the air, said Lt. Dennis Garren, police spokesman.
At some point, the Lasters got the gun and put it into a car. Police say they also found several bags of marijuana and a baby left in the Lasters’ care inside the vehicle.
Police turned the child over to the baby’s family, seized the marijuana and the weapon, and arrested the Lasters, Garren said.
They each face a misdemeanor endangering-children charge and felony charges of evidence tampering, marijuana trafficking and possession, and improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle.
Drake Laster was additionally jailed on a charge of having weapons under disability. He was barred from having a weapon following his felony conviction for a December 2016 home invasion robbery.
The Lasters remained behind bars on Thursday, each held in lieu of $26,000 bond pending a Canton Municipal Court hearing.